
Transamerica Red Shoe Club (RSC) is an exclusive club for the hardest working agents in the Transamerica Agency Network.

RSC qualifiers continue to outdo themselves year after year. This club has truly become a movement, and we’re beyond excited to see where you take it next! This year, the T24 Community  will be giving special recognition to agents who have qualified three — and now five — years in a row!

2024 Member Benefits

Red Shoe Club qualifiers will earn their signature pair of red Nikes, receive special recognition, and enjoy exclusive Red Shoe Club gifts and merchandise.


Once again we'll be recognizing agents who've qualified three years in a row with our exclusive 3-Peat Club! These agents will receive a pair of limited edition white Nikes and get special mention in a company-wide email. Keep an eye on your inbox for the winners' announcement. 


New for 2024! This year we'll be recognizing our amazing group of 5-Peat Club agents who have earned their red shoes five years in a row! Truly impressive! Watch for more announcements and recognition details coming soon.


On your mark, get set, qualify!

There are two opportunities to qualify in 2024. If you don’t qualify in the first qualification period, don’t worry — qualifications reset and you have another chance in the second half of the year. Qualification periods are:

Period 1: January 1–June 30

Period 2: July 1–December 31

Qualification Criteria

Agents: Complete 4 of the 6 market expansion activities below 
Associate Directors: Team must complete 5 of 6 
Managing Directors: Team must complete 5 of 6 
1. Place a Transamerica Trendsetter® policy
2. Place a Transamerica Final Expense Solutions Portfolio policy 
3. Place a Transamerica LifetimeSM policy 
4. Place a Transamerica Financial Foundation IUL® policy 
5. Place a Transamerica Financial Foundation IUL with Long Term Care Rider or with Concierge Planning RiderSM/Concierge Planning BenefitSM or a Trendsetter LB or Trendsetter Super Series policy including the Monthly Disability Income Rider 
6. Place a Transamerica Financial Choice IULSM policy (new category)

Rank in the top 70 Agents, top 20 Associate Directors, top 10 Managing Directors.
• Agents and associate directors will be ranked on a point-based system for products placed. Managing directors will be ranked on percent of plan. 
• 1 placed policy = 1 point 
• All products weighted equally 
• Tie breakers are decided by net core placements

Meet the minimum core production requirement.
Agents: $30,000 personal-placed core premium and positive core production growth 
Associate Directors: $150,000 of team-placed core premium and positive core production growth 
Managing Directors: 100% of plan

Contact Information

For more information, call your national sales desk at 410-223-4485.

It’s time to get moving in style … with the RED SHOE CLUB.