Tailored plans for unique challenges

Manufacturing organizations rarely take a one-size-fits-all approach, and neither do we when helping them build and manage a retirement plan. Transamerica recognizes the unique challenges manufacturers face, and we use our experience to meet them head-on so our clients can help their employees live their best lives.

Proven industry expertise


of our larger corporate clients are manufacturers

85+ years

of experience with retirement plans

Flexibility to meet diverse needs

With diverse workforces, multiple locations and schedules, and varying compensation structures, manufacturing employers rely on Transamerica’s flexibility and experience to deliver successful retirement plans.

Varied shifts and locations

Retirement planning consultants can accommodate all shifts and locations to help workers take full advantage of their retirement plan anytime, anywhere.

Union considerations

Our service team works with union representatives, delivering plan design recommendations within the boundaries of union requirements and contract negotiations.

Merger and acquisition activity

Our M&A services include custom strategies and thoughtful participant communications that help boost employee engagement in the manufacturing industry.

Retention of skilled labor

We can benchmark retirement plans against industry peers to support competitive benefits that attract and retain top talent.

401(k) plan communications that get results

See how we helped a large manufacturing organization guide employees through change to brighten long-term financial forecasts.

Strategies to drive success

Every Transamerica retirement plan has a distinct objective that contributes to the plan’s success. From plan design to participant education and resources, we’re committed to supporting brighter retirements.

Customized plan design

Transamerica isn’t your typical retirement plan solutions provider. Every retirement plan we create is personalized, built together with our clients to reflect their unique challenges and objectives.

Holistic participant experience

Ongoing participant communication and education and support from retirement planning consultants encourages participants to actively pursue their financial goals.

Administrative ease

Transamerica’s data management system makes plan administration easier, enhancing data accuracy, reducing in-house workloads, and improving security.

We help manufacturers support financial well-being

No matter the type of employer plan, Transamerica has the knowledge, experience, and tools to make it shine.

Retirement overview

Pooled plan solutions

Defined contribution plans

Important information

Before adopting any plan sponsors should carefully consider all of the benefits, risks, and costs associated with a plan. Information regarding retirement plans is general and is not intended as legal or tax advice. Retirement plans are complex, and the federal and state laws or regulations on which they are based vary for each type of plan and are subject to change. In addition, some products, investment vehicles, and services may not be available or appropriate in all workplace retirement plans. Plan sponsors and plan administrators may wish to seek the advice of legal counsel or a tax professional to address their specific situations.

Case studies are illustrative only and do not imply an endorsement of any particular product or service. Each employer’s situation is unique and results may vary.