Holly Waters

For more than 25 years, Holly Waters has strengthened employee engagement and corporate performance through leadership in strategic planning, talent manageme

Michiel van Katwijk

Michiel van Katwijk has been with the Aegon group since 1991 and has served as Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer of Transamerica since 201

Julie Spore

Julie Spore is responsible for assessing and advising on risks to business strategy and processes using a variety of risk and control frameworks.

Karyn Polak

Karyn Polak leads the Legal and Compliance teams.

Kent Callahan

Kent Callahan is responsible for Transamerica’s Workplace Solutions businesses, including retirement plans, employee benefits, the Advice Center, and stable

Matt Rider

As someone with actuarial training, I’m very familiar with the statistics that correlate poor health habits with life expectancy.

Linda R. Medler

I am especially excited about the transformation Transamerica has completed, which enables it to provide broader and more relevant services to customers.

Kimberly Olson Dorgan

What stands out to me is Transamerica’s commitment to serving its customers and preparing them for retirement.

David C. Chavern

I’m enthusiastic about Transamerica’s focus on Wealth + HealthSM, as I believe a person’s physical well-being is absolutely as important as their

Richard M. Schapiro

I am continually impressed with the quality and depth of the management talent at Transamerica.