Working with experienced professionals

Our commitment to you.

We help investment advisors and institutions deliver results for their clients by providing the knowledgeable guidance of our sub-advised investments and exclusive practice management tools. We're committed to helping our clients build a solid financial foundation for today and tomorrow. And we'll continue to do so with innovative strategies that are available at competitive prices.

Our Investor FirstSM Process

The Investor First Process is our ongoing commitment to making sure you have access to the investments you deserve from some of the best asset managers in the industry.


Step 1: Quantitative Analysis

We apply quantitative metrics to review strategies delivering competitive returns, style consistency, and sound risk mitigation.


Step 2: Qualitative analysis

With a forward-looking approach, we analyze the manager's investment philosophy, portfolio construction process, organizational structure, and other pertinent factors.


Step 3: Investment manager recommendation

Through an objective, evidence-based, and collaborative process, these quantitative and qualitative analyses are combined to form a recommendation that is vetted by our Investment and Investment Risk committees.


Step 4: Continuous monitoring

Fund managers are continuously monitored on a daily, weekly, monthly, and quarterly basis for investment performance, adherence to style, compliance with objectives, and other important criteria. Managers not meeting expectations are subject to replacement.


We hold fund managers to the highest standards.

We believe no single investment firm is the best at managing every asset class. That’s why we take a diversified approach that applies the portfolio management experience of numerous and varied asset managers throughout the industry so we can provide a full range of investment strategies, and aim for the best possible investment results for your clients.

Aegon Asset Management

Seasoned, cohesive portfolio management team seeking to add value over the investment cycle. The firm uses a global research platform with a dedicated traditional research team covering the entire credit quality spectrum.

*Aegon Asset Management US (Aegon AM US) is the marketing name of the sub-adviser. The legal entity name of the sub-adviser is Aegon USA Investment Management, LLC.

Belle Haven Investments, L.P.

An experienced team of investment professionals dedicated to the municipal bond market. Belle Haven uses a disciplined investment process focused on execution rather than interest rate forecasting or undue credit risk.

ClariVest Asset Management LLC

A majority employee-owned asset management firm with a seasoned, stable team. ClariVest's enduring philosophy focuses on the interaction between changing company fundamentals and investor sentiment to help deliver excess return.

MetLife Investment Management, LLC

MetLife Investment Management, LLC is a fixed income manager dedicated solely to the institutional marketplace. It has a team of highly experienced investment professionals seeking global credit opportunities across credit spectrums.

PineBridge Investments

A private, institutional asset manager focused on active, high conviction investing across emerging and developed markets. PineBridge uses a differentiated strategy to opportunistically invest in global inflation-protected bonds and inflation-lined credit for enhanced, real return potential.

Ranger Investment Management, L.P.

A research-driven, growth-oriented investment manager that specializes in U.S. small- and micro-cap equities. Ranger's well-developed philosophy employs four criteria: improving fundamentals, quality, financial strength, and valuation.

Epoch Investment Partners, Inc.

An independent, employee-owned firm with a strong culture of governance risk management. Epoch Investment Partners, Inc. offers multi-asset solutions with capabilities across equities, fixed income, and alternative investments.

Thompson, Siegel & Walmsley LLC (TSW)

Established, boutique investment firm that stresses fundamental research and value-oriented investment strategies. TSW focuses on buying businesses at a discount to their intrinsic value and using a diversified portfolio of differentiated ideas to drive returns.

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Tom Wald, CFA®, Chief Investment Officer

Check out Tom's views on the investing and economic environments by reading his blogs and Market Outlooks.

Contact Us

Research and Institutional Consultants

We provide resources and support RIAs can use to help clients pursue some of their biggest financial and life goals. Our dedicated experienced professionals also focus on providing financial strategies to institutions, consultants, and defined contribution investment-only (DCIO) clients.

Phone: 866-846-1800


Transamerica Asset Management, Inc. (TAM) is an SEC-registered investment adviser that provides asset management, fund administration, and shareholder services for institutional and retail clients. The funds advised and sponsored by TAM include Transamerica Funds and Transamerica Series Trust. Transamerica Funds and Transamerica Series Trust are distributed by Transamerica Capital, Inc. (TCI), member FINRA. TAM is an indirect wholly owned subsidiary of Aegon Ltd., an international life insurance, pension, and asset management company.

Transamerica Funds are advised by Transamerica Asset Management, Inc. (TAM) and distributed by Transamerica Capital, Inc. (TCI),member of FINRA. Aegon USA Investment Management, LLC is an affiliate of Aegon companies. Transamerica companies are part of the Aegon group.

Transamerica companies and all other entities mentioned herein are not affiliated.