Solutions for Employees

Employees can benefit from having multiple offerings provided by their employer, such as life insurance, disability insurance, and supplemental health insurance.

Disability Insurance 

Short- and long-term disability insurance can help employers create a competitive workplace benefits package. It’s a simple way to help employees protect themselves when an illness or injury has the potential to cause financial hardship.

Short-Term Disability Insurance

Short-term disability insurance can help employees recover part of their income if they’re temporarily unable to work because of illness or injury. Having protection from the unexpected can help them focus on today, rather than worrying about what could happen tomorrow.

Long-Term Disability Insurance

Long-term disability insurance can provide a steady stream of income for employees unable to work for an extended period due to illness or injury. While the goal is to help employees get back to work, having income replacement can help them maintain their quality of life until then.

Absence Management Services

Absence management may be integrated with disability insurance. Comprehensive solutions like this can offer employers and their employees a holistic, streamlined experience, including integrated absence tracking and consistency in claims management. 

Group Term Life Insurance

Group term life insurance protects employees’ loved ones by providing a death benefit. 

The loss of a loved one is hard enough. If a family member passes away, their loved ones should be able to focus on grieving, not how they’ll pay the bills without them.

Group term life insurance is a simple way to help employees protect their families’ future, and can be an important part of a core benefits offering. Often, optional riders and benefits can also be added to provide even more coverage. 

Other Employee Benefits Solutions

Employees can be even better prepared for the unexpected by electing additional benefits.

Contact Transamerica Employee Benefits at 800-851-7555, Option 4