You're unique. Your investing strategy should be too.

Transamerica Personalized Portfolios provides comprehensive planning to help you pursue a lifetime of financial fitness. This individual retirement account (IRA) is available through our dedicated team of phone-based advisors who can:

  • Remove the guesswork of researching, investing, and managing your IRA
  • Advise you on virtually every aspect of your account
  • Help you complete your profile to see the full picture, including outside assets you or your partner have
  • Work with you to develop a personalized strategy
  • Answer your questions so you can put your plan into action

Tailored to how you see your future

After a detailed one-on-one conversation, your advisor will propose a strategy around what matters most to you.


Goal-based investing

Our goal-based approach customizes your portfolio around key criteria including, but not limited to, your earnings and savings potential, market impacts, and your longevity risk.


Risk-based investing

Our risk-based approach strives to align with your investment goals and level of comfort with fluctuations in your account balance as a result of the market and other factors.

Guidance for only pennies

If you choose to have us help implement your proposal, you’ll pay less than a couple cents for every dollar managed each year (maybe even less, depending on your account balance). This fee will be automatically deducted proportionally from your account each quarter. Your minimum initial investment can be as low as $5,000.

Your account will be charged a fee at an annual rate of (0.95%) of your account balance in Transamerica Personalized PortfoliosSM. Please refer to the Transamerica Personalized PortfoliosSM Client Services Agreement for more information, as well as important details about the Transamerica Personalized PortfoliosSM solution offered by Transamerica Retirement Advisors.

56% of workers say they would prefer to rely on outside experts to monitor and manage their retirement savings plan.

- Nonprofit Transamerica Center for Retirement Studies®, 20th Annual Transamerica Retirement Survey of Workers, 2020

Key benefits of Transamerica Personalized Portfolios

It builds and manages your portfolio

Transamerica Personalized Portfolios uses NextCapital's advanced algorithm and digital investment advice platform to create and manage your IRA.

The portfolios are created by tapping into U.S. retirement funds that meet strict qualifying criteria. Your portfolio is further personalized with additional information about you, your present financial situation, and what you want in your future.

It makes investing easy

We take into consideration your retirement across all accounts, your current income, and when you plan to retire. We make it easy to see where you are, and determine the steps needed to get or stay on course. Our financial advisors help you put your plan in motion.

After that, we’ll proactively reach out and provide an annual statement to ensure your progress is still on course with your goals. We'll encourage you to schedule an account review if there have been any significant life changes that may require adjustments to your retirement strategy.

Brings your accounts together in one place

You can sync other, investment accounts you have with the Transamerica Personalized Portfolios tool. These synced accounts will be recognized as inputs that factor into managed advice provided through Transamerica Personalized Portfolios.

Transamerica Personalized Portfolios will not manage any synced accounts. It is your responsibility to inform us of any outside accounts that should be considered. While Transamerica Personalized Portfolios’ advice can consider outside accounts, this consideration will only be as accurate as the information we receive. We do not verify the content, completeness, or accuracy of information received from outside accounts. Please note that any third-party linked accounts are not maintained by, related to, sponsored by or affiliated with Transamerica or NextCapital and are provided solely as a service and convenience to you.

Incorporates your Social Security estimates

We will integrate your Social Security benefit estimates into the tool, so we can forecast your estimated retirement income needs.

Diversified options to help pursue your investment objectives

We’ll help you choose an approach with one of two types of globally diversified portfolios:

Goal-based portfolio: Our portfolios include up to 18 asset classes of low-cost ETFs across equities (e.g., stocks), fixed income (e.g., bonds), real estate, and commodities, as well as FDIC-insured cash equivalents. Certain portfolios may also include low-cost mutual funds and other securities. This mix is intended to help ensure your investments are truly diversified and in line with your goals. Diversification does not assure a profit or protect against market loss.

Risk-based portfolio: There are 12 different risk-based model portfolios comprised of highly liquid ETFs, holding a diversified mix of bonds and stocks as well as short-term securities. Generally, investors put their money in higher-risk portfolios earlier in their career and shift to lower-risk portfolios as they near retirement.

Monitors performance

Once your account is created, your portfolio is monitored and automatically rebalanced to help maintain an optimal allocation.


To learn more about the available services, investment options, fees and charges, conflicts of interest, or to request a copy of relevant disclosures for Transamerica Personalized Portfolios, including Transamerica Retirement Advisors, LLC (TRA) and NextCapital Advisers, Inc. (NextCapital Advisers) Form ADV Part II (Brochure) and ADV Part III/Form CRS, please call Transamerica at 866-668-0334 for further assistance.

Please download and review the Transamerica Retirement Advisors, LLC. Form CRS.

All investments involve risk, including loss of principal, and there is no guarantee of profits. Investors should carefully consider their investment objectives, risk tolerance, and investment time horizon before investing. There is no assurance that any investment will meet its stated objective. Investment advisory services are jointly offered through Transamerica Retirement Advisors, LLC and NextCapital Advisers, Inc., both registered investment advisers. All Transamerica companies identified are affiliated. Transamerica has an indirect equity interest in NextCapital Group, Inc., (“NextCapital Group” or “NextCapital”) the parent company of NextCapital Advisers, Inc. and NextCapital Software Inc. Neither Transamerica nor any affiliate controls NextCapital Group or is otherwise an affiliate of NextCapital Group for purposes of the Investment Advisers Act of 1940, as amended.

IMPORTANT: Projections or other information displayed do not reflect actual investment results, and are not guarantees of future results. There is no guarantee that your retirement goals will be achieved or that the aggregate accumulated amount will ensure a specified annual retirement spending. Results derived from this tool may vary with each use and over time.

As noted above, the Transamerica Personalized Portfolios utilize “Models”, which are defined to include algorithms and/or calculations developed by NextCapital that have inherent risks. Results derived from this tool may vary with each use and over time. Models may incorrectly forecast future behavior or produce unexpected outcomes resulting in losses. The success of using Models depends on numerous factors, including the validity, accuracy and completeness of the Model’s development, implementation and maintenance, the Model’s assumptions, factors, algorithms and methodologies, and the accuracy and reliability of the supplied historical or other data. If incorrect data is entered into even a well-founded Model, the resulting information will be incorrect. Investments selected with the use of Models may perform differently than expected as a result of the design of the Model, inputs into the Model, or other factors. The principal value of the portfolio is never guaranteed. Investment return and principal value will fluctuate with market conditions, and you may lose money.