The pivotal role you play

Estate planning and caregiving pose complex challenges today that require families to engage in crucial conversations across multiple generations. Financial professionals play a pivotal role in facilitating them.

Transamerica worked with MIT AgeLab, Broke Millennial author Erin Lowry, and other experts to identify best practices in these areas. Start and guide essential discussions with the resources below to enhance your services and provide a deeper value that many clients are seeking.

Crucial Conversations Webinars 

Get expert insight on navigating crucial conversations with clients and their loved ones. 

We are living longer and that presents challenges and opportunities. This insightful three-part series — Crucial Conversations Across Generations —  provides research and resources to better outline and guide discussions about estate planning and caregiving. Offer solutions to help families live their best life on their terms.  

Help start the conversation 

Dr. Joe Coughlin, founder of the MIT AgeLab, explores the importance of encouraging clients to engage in crucial conversations with loved ones. People are living longer and longevity planning naturally requires a broader conversation. This webinar outlines why financial professionals should be prepared to discuss topics well beyond traditional financial strategies with older clients, as well as their broader family circle and beneficiaries.

Caregiving: Challenge and Opportunity

Ryan Bertrand, Director of Transamerica’s Advanced Markets Group, brings you the latest insight on caregiving and the emotional and financial impact it’s having on society. About 97% of clients who talked to their financial professional about caregiving found the conversations helpful.1 This webinar provides simple tools to help start the conversation.  

Estate Planning and Caregiving from a Millennial Perspective

Erin Lowry, author of the Broke Millennial series, shares her perspective on financial strategies as a Millennial along with her personal experiences. Many of her peers find themselves in the “sandwich generation" — raising kids, planning for their own financial future, and helping aging parents. This webinar provides unique approaches your clients can utilize for these important conversations.

Insight for generations

Specialized knowledge on matters involving estate planning and caregiving can help you untangle complex challenges for Millennials, Baby Boomers, and everyone in between. 

Millennials and estate planning

Talking to aging parents about their estates often requires a beneficiary to take a tactful approach.

The needs of aging parents

Help Millennials discuss topics with their parents that can be difficult to bring up, such as assisted living facilities, healthcare, home care, caregiving, and more.