Marketing Made Easy

To help you protect more families, we’ve created a digital resource kit with prospecting materials.

Direct Mail Templates

Nearly one in three consumers say they are more likely to buy life insurance due to a major life event.1 Customize these oversized postcard templates to reach out to prospects at the right time to get the conversation going.


Another year older and another year wiser. It’s the perfect time for your clients to reflect on priorities, including helping to protect loved ones.


Planning the wedding was just the beginning — newlyweds have a lot to think about as they build their future together.

New home

Home ownership comes with many perks, but also more financial responsibilities. Make sure your clients’ life insurance is keeping up.

New baby

After mastering the art of the diaper change, new parents may want to consider how to help protect their children long term.

Prospecting Letters

Use these compliance-approved letters to kick off your prospecting campaign.

Protection From the Unexpected

Never Too Late

Lower Rates While You're Young

Empower Women to Protect Their Loved Ones

Pre-Built Social Media Campaigns

Our free social media toolkits are designed to resonate with term life insurance prospects and help you reach them wherever they may be.

Social Campaign for Your Business

Social Campaign Life Insurance