Instructional Videos

In addition to the user guide, this library of instructional videos provides step-by-step demonstrations of key administrative features.

Plan Sponsor Website Overview Video

Take a moment to watch this overview of the Plan Sponsor website's navigation and features.

Logging In

Let's start at the beginning and make sure you get logged into the site successfully.  This quick video outlines the steps needed to get started on the site.

File Transfers

Through your secure file transfer portal, data exchange is simplified and streamlined.

Watch this tutorial for sending and receiving files with Transamerica.

Running Reports

Utilizing data for deeper insight into your plan and participants is critical to success.

Check out this video on how to configure, run and schedule your reports with ease.

Participant Management

With an optimized search tool and clear layout, managing participants is simple and straightforward.

Take a quick tour to see how participant details are easily accessible and efficiently organized.

Viewing Investments

Accessing your fund line up and investment performance details has never been easier.

Check out this video to learn more.

User Management

With our user management feature, we’ve put overseeing plan access in your hands where it should be.  

Watch this video to learn how to add a new contact.

Activating Your Account

If you have recently been added as a contact to the updated Plan Sponsor website, you will need to activate your account. This video outlines steps to complete including creating your log in credentials and verifying your identity.

Frequently Asked Questions

We are here to help

Browse through the list of frequently asked questions to find quick answers to your questions.


Logging In

How do I log into the Transamerica Plan Sponsor Website for the first time after I have been notified that my onboarding is completed?  

  1. Go to
  2. Enter your username and password
  3. Complete the one-time step to review and agree to the updated terms of use
  4. On the unrecognized device screen, choose the device to receive your security validation code
  5. Enter the security validation code
  6. You will be taken to the welcome page, where you will have a global view of all your Transamerica retirement plans

Check out this short video to watch the process in action.

How do I retrieve my username if I forgot it? 

If you have forgotten your username, please click on the Forgot Username from the Login screen, choose Employer, and then follow the instructions to have your username emailed to you. 

How do I change my password? 

Once you have logged into the Transamerica Plan Sponsor Website, Passwords can be changed anytime by clicking on Profile and then clicking on Update your password and other security settings here at the bottom of the profile screen under Security

Upgrade Information

How did Transamerica determine which of your contacts to upgrade to the new Plan Sponsor Website?

Transamerica will automatically upgrade any of your Plan Sponsor Direct (PSD) sponsor contacts who have had recent activity (activity in the last 15 months) to the new Transamerica Plan Sponsor Website.  

If a user is not setup in Plan Sponsor Direct or has not had recent activity, they will not be upgraded to the new Transamerica Plan Sponsor Website/One Payroll Application.  

Auditors and Advisors need to remain on the Plan Sponsor Direct (PSD) site and cannot be added to the new Plan Sponsor Site at this time.

How will I know that I have been upgraded to the enhanced Plan Sponsor Website?  

You will receive an email from Transamerica letting you know once you have been onboarded to the enhanced Transamerica Plan Sponsor Website.

Will the URL to access the enhanced site be different than what I use today?

Yes, the URL has been modified, please use the following URL to access the enhanced site:

Will my username and password change after I have been onboarded to the Transamerica Plan Sponsor Website? 

No, you will use your existing username and password.

Once I have been onboarded to the enhanced Plan Sponsor Website, can I still access the legacy site – Plan Sponsor Direct?

No, once you have been moved over to the new website, you will not be able to access the Plan Sponsor Direct Website.  However, you should have everything you need and more to service your plan on the new Transamerica Plan Sponsor Website.

Once on the site

Where can I find instructions to familiarize myself with the enhanced features?

Please reference our Plan Sponsor User Guide or instructional videos to learn more about the site's features.


Who do I contact if I need Help while on the site? 

For technical issue please click the help button in the top navigation bar of the site to submit a support request form, and we will get back to you as soon as possible.  

For general plan related questions please contact your Transamerica representative.