Brighter outcomes for faculty and staff 

Helping your diverse faculty and staff prepare for a retirement worth looking forward to often requires a level of complexity few providers understand. We do. With more than 60 years of not-for-profit experience, Transamerica is a leading provider of 403(b) and other retirement plan solutions for higher education institutions. We also provide guidance to help professors, administrators, and staff make the most of their retirement benefits. 

What sets us apart?

We provide solutions tailored to your goals. We can integrate a variety of plan types to meet the complex needs of the higher education industry. 

Simplified administration 

With Total Retirement Outsourcing®, you can enjoy the advantages of working with a single recordkeeper, while participants can access and manage their retirement savings in one place.

Payroll integration made easy

Transamerica receives payroll data directly and electronically from your payroll provider, reducing the risk of human errors and resulting in more accurate, efficient recordkeeping.

Focus on education and engagement

Our OnTrack® communications program and retirement planning consultants can help faculty and staff make the most of their retirement plans. 

Workplace wellness programs 

We offer workplace wellness solutions like health savings accounts, flexible spending accounts, student loan assistance, and emergency savings accounts.  

Tracking trends in higher education

Our proprietary research provides insights into college and university retirement plans, including plan designs, educational offerings, and investment options.

Case study: Improving retirement readiness

Ivy Tech Community College wanted to offer a better experience for the more than 3,600 faculty and staff participating in its 403(b) and 457(b) retirement plans. With multiple vendors and programs, Ivy Tech also hoped to reduce costs and offer investment flexibility for participants. By choosing Transamerica as its single provider, Ivy Tech improved efficiency and saved money, while continuing to educate faculty and staff about making the most of their retirement benefits.

Important information

Information regarding retirement plans is general and is not intended as legal or tax advice. Retirement plans are complex, and the federal and state laws or regulations on which they are based vary for each type of plan and are subject to change. In addition, some products, investment vehicles, and services may not be available or appropriate in all workplace retirement plans. Plan sponsors and plan administrators may wish to seek the advice of legal counsel or a tax professional to address their specific situations.