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Business Building

Build Your Insurance Sales Pipeline From Home

Rich Oswald

Why it Matters:

  • Working from home requires resetting expectations for yourself and your clients.
  • Growing your business virtually takes the right strategy and focus.
  • These tips are proven to work by successful insurance sales peers.

In this brave new world of insurance sales professionals working from home, it’s more important than ever to explore new ways to build your book of business. And what better way to vet new ideas than by hearing from peers who have already successfully implemented them? We talked to several insurance sales professionals and asked for their insights on business building tips, advice on working from home, time management hacks, and more.

How do you manage your time to maximize productivity and not burn out?

  • Stay active throughout the course of your day. If you live in an area where you can be outside, take a short walk or bike ride. Never underestimate the power of fresh air.
  • Try to stop working at a reasonable hour and take some time to unplug. It’s important to set a distinction between your time working from home and your time being at home.
  • Condition yourself for work. Set benchmarks and rewards for each goal you set. Start small, with goals you know you can accomplish in a given amount of time and build from there. For every 20 dials, get yourself a coffee. Or for every new sale, treat yourself to a nice dinner. Those little things will subconsciously condition you to enjoy the work.

How do you engage virtually with clients for outreach and appointments?

One of the best ways to engage with clients is to get familiar with your presentation software, and have virtual meetings going throughout your day. When you’re on the phone with a client and see the opportunity, tell them you’re sending them the link. Since you already have your foot in the door, there’s more of an assumed close for the meeting. Plus, you’re able to add extra value because you can help your client visualize your topic.

What new challenges do virtual outreach and appointments present that in-person meetings didn’t?

Consistency. Clients may find it easier to cancel virtual meetings, as they feel less guilty not showing up virtually versus in person at a predetermined location. As a safeguard and when you have the chance, double book. Odds are, up to half of your meetings will be no-shows or reschedules. If that happens, you’re covered, and can rely on your backup call to keep you busy and moving forward.

Without the ability to do business development through networking events, conferences, and in-person social interactions, how do you currently find new clients?

Social media has become huge. Once a nice way to add value, it has now become a necessity to run a business in the modern age. Create a brand for yourself and get your name out there via LinkedIn and Facebook. Go here to learn best practices on leveraging social media in your practice.

It’s important not to take any possible connection for granted. Prospecting and referrals are the lifeblood of your business, but they can also be the hardest conversations to have. Don't be afraid to ask for the referral. If you've done a good job, clients will be happy to recommend you to friends and family. After all, you’re the one providing a service, just like a haircut or visit to the dentist.

How do you organize your day and physical space to remain productive when working from home?

Write down a priority list and always do the most difficult thing first thing in the morning. Then tackle the rest of the day’s work as it comes in. For many, the most difficult task is prospecting. If so, spend the first hours of your day making calls. Put yourself in a position where you’re ahead of schedule by lunch so you have some wiggle room. Keep your desk clear, create reminders through your computer, and use one notebook that helps you keep track of everything you've got going on.

What advice can you offer to new insurance sales professionals?

  1. Maintain your integrity.
  2. Add value to every interaction.
  3. Value yourself — you’re never above or below someone else.
  4. Be willing to change and adapt.
  5. Learn new skills.
  6. Find a mentor and learn from them.
  7. Write your goals down on paper and make them known to your boss.
  8. Don’t be afraid to ask for help.
  9. Find meaning in what you do every day.
  10. Put in the time and effort. It's too deep and complicated of an industry to give it anything less than 100%.
  11. Learn who and what your resources are and use them.
  12. Talk less and listen more ... no seriously, stop talking.
  13. Be genuine. Clients know this is your job and you get paid. Honesty and transparency will go a long way.
  14. Find peers in a similar position or stage in the business as you are and stay in constant contact with them.

This is by no means a comprehensive list, but it will put you on solid ground to be more productive at home as you look for new ways to build your business.

Things to Consider: 

  • Successfully building your business by taking small steps you can repeat every day.
  • Set boundaries between when you’re working versus living from home.
  • Never let technology act as a shortcut to putting in the time and effort to connect with your prospects and clients.

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Transamerica Resources, Inc. is an Aegon company and is affiliated with various companies which include, but are not limited to, insurance companies and broker-dealers. Transamerica Resources, Inc. does not offer insurance products or securities. The information provided is for educational purposes only and should not be construed as insurance, securities, ERISA, tax, investment, legal, medical or financial advice or guidance. Please consult your personal independent professionals for answers to your specific questions.