Donald J. Shepard
Chairman of the Board, Chairman of the Nominating & Governance Committee, and Member of the Audit Committee
I’ve been involved with Transamerica for almost 50 years and throughout that time, it’s been the people of this organization and its focus on providing sound financial solutions that have energized me the most.
When it comes to the business community, I’ve served as Chairman of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and the Financial Services Roundtable. I’ve also been very involved with Johns Hopkins, as a trustee for both Johns Hopkins Medicine and Johns Hopkins University.
My favorite pastime is fishing because it gets me into nature and it takes patience and strategy.
Favorite quote:
“You cannot escape the responsibility of tomorrow by evading it today.” – Abraham Lincoln
Don Shepard retired as Chairman of the Executive Board and CEO of Aegon in April 2008. He began his career in 1970 with Life Investors, Inc., an insurance holding company. After serving in several executive roles, he became Chief Operating Officer in 1985. He held this position until 1989, when Aegon consolidated its U.S. operations to form Aegon USA and he was appointed CEO of the new entity. In 1992, Mr. Shepard became a member of the Executive Board of Aegon and in April of 2002, he was appointed CEO and Chairman of the Executive Board.
He holds an MBA from the University of Chicago.