Welcome to Transamerica — we’re excited to work with you! Once you've been appointed, you will receive a brief series of emails covering everything you need to know as a new agent, including brand knowledge, product trainings, illustrations, our e-app overview, and more. If you missed an email, you can always catch up with the steps below.

1. Getting help: contacts and tips

Knowing whom to ask for help goes a long way to making it easier to do business. In addition to a dedicated support phone number, we’ve provided a list of handy tips that may save you from even having to make a phone call. 

Transamerica dedicated WFG number: 800-322-3796 

Important numbers/extensions: 

  • Press 1 for Pending New Business or Underwriting 
  • Press 2 for In Force Policy 
  • Press 3 for Annuity Customer Service 
  • Press 4 for Contract Licensing 
  • Press 5 for Commissions 
  • Press 6 for Sales Support 
  • Press 7 for Regulation 60 Questions 
  • TLIC In Force: 800-852-4678 


WFG contact and tips

Best practices

Territory map

2. Register for Agent Home

Once you have received your agent identification number, register for agent home — your convenient, single point of access to all your Transamerica business tools and portals. No need to remember multiple URLs and passwords, it’s all under one roof!

Once registered, you can access Agent Home through MyWFG by selecting Transamerica as a preferred carrier and bookmark the page.

3. Discover our products

Transamerica has a long history of providing dependable insurance products designed to help families live their best lives. With a portfolio of cost effective options across term, index universal, and whole life insurance, we’ve got your clients covered. 

Products overview

Learn about our products in one convenient resource. 

Index universal life insurance

Death benefit protection plus cash value accumulation potential. Learn more about our diverse IUL options.

Term life insurance

Learn about our term life insurance options and how they may benefit your clients.

4. Preparing for your first sale

Sales are the lifeblood of your business, and we are here to support you during the entire sales cycle. 

New agent webinars

As a new agent you will have access to special webinars to help propel your business forward. There are four webinars in total, one a week, and we're confident you will find value in each as you start your business journey. 

Learn about underwriting

A good understanding of underwriting can be a difference maker. For an agent, good field underwriting builds credibility with your clients and boosts your reputation in the community as a knowledgeable life insurance advisor.

Running illustrations and submitting cases

The digital selling page is your go-to resource for business at the speed of digital. Learn about a range of selling tools including the online quoting and illustration tool, electronic application, document signing, and policy delivery.  

Selling in New York

Interested in selling life insurance in New York? 

For specific guidance on selling in New York, please download the document below. These are the first steps you need to take before you can help protect your New York clients. We look forward to seeing your business grow!

5. Grow your business

We're committed to delivering tools and solutions that will help your business stand out — and grow. This includes tools that make it easier to do business, including our predesigned customer communication resources and a turnkey social media campaign. 

6. Celebrate your success

Your success is well-deserved, and we love celebrating it. From your first sales gifts to the wildly popular Red Shoe Club to the white-glove treatment of the Premier Services Group  — we applaud you! 

First-timer gift

Congratulations — you should be proud! Celebrate your first sale with a complimentary Transamerica water bottle and a note from your RVP.

First-timer email

Don’t forget to check your inbox for a special email with additional tips to help you keep a good thing going. 

Red Shoe Club

Since 2019, agents in the Red Shoe Club program have changed lives — and the life insurance landscape — for the better, by protecting thousands of families, caring for their communities, and forming a family of their very own. Learn how you can qualify for exclusive perks and rewards. Join the club — we’ll keep a spot just for you.  

Premier Services Group: dedication recognized and rewarded 

Recognizing and rewarding your dedication and loyalty, Transamerica Premier Services Group (PSG) is a white-glove concierge service that helps make managing your business easier. You'll get an exclusive, one-on-one relationship with a PSG partner dedicated to your personal life insurance business.

7. Continue learning

A library of recorded webinars is available on your schedule. Explore a range of industry topics any time you want to expand your knowledge base. 

Skilled webinars on your schedule 

Benefit from convenient access to a library of recorded webinars. You’ll have access to insight, tips, and analysis from knowledgeable professionals dedicated to helping your business succeed. 


It pays to know where to turn for additional insights on the challenges and opportunities facing today’s investors. Transamerica offers research-based tools, education, and guidance that work in people's real lives today and anticipate an evolving future.

Advanced Markets

The Advanced Markets Group is here to help you build your value in today's evolving marketplace. Take advantage of skilled assistance across a wide range of topics all designed to help you and your business succeed.