Lard Friese

CEO of Aegon Ltd. and member of the Compensation Committee and Risk Committee
Favorite Quote
If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.
– African proverb

What I noticed as soon as I started with the company was the dedication to our purpose of helping people achieve a lifetime of financial security. This purpose is alive for our employees, as is the intersection of Wealth + Health. Financial security isn’t just about wealth. There are many factors that go into that equation – including a healthy lifestyle. We offer our customers resources and tools to support their health that are outside the traditional definition of financial services.

For me, a healthy lifestyle includes spending time with my family and taking the time to appreciate contemporary art and music.

Lard Friese was appointed CEO of Aegon Ltd. on May 15, 2020.

Mr. Friese has more than 30 years of financial services experience, most recently as CEO at NN Group NV and previously as Vice Chairman of ING Insurance, both based in the Netherlands. During his tenure at NN Group NV, he led a wide range of businesses in Europe and Asia. His background also includes a prior engagement with Aegon (from 1993 to 2003), as a member of the Board of Directors of Aegon Leven NV, and as Senior Vice President of Aegon in Japan. Mr. Friese has extensive expertise in the areas of insurance, investment management, customer-centricity, mergers and acquisitions, and business transformation.

He holds a Master of Science in law from Utrecht University, the Netherlands.